Anne Moen, RN, PhD, professor in Health informatics and Nursing at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo. She has 25+ year experience in user-focused research in EHRs and citizen centered services with emphasis on feasibility and usefulness for vulnerable groups and elderly. She has extensive interdisciplinary and academic leadership experiences at international and national level. For example, she was leader of WP10 Knowledge practices in workplaces (2007-2010) and project leader for the InterMedia team (UiO) in the 6FP-IP project Knowledge Practices Laboratory (KP-lab) (2006-2012), and the more recent SUCCESS project (AAL co-funded, 2017-2020). She led analytic work in the seminal Health@Home study in the USA (2002-2005, PF Brennan PI, funded by Intel), and national innovation projects like APPETITT (2012-2017) and CAPABLE (2018 -2021) where the focus is to learn how people use health information, and how to empower citizens and their significant others to actively use health information for self-management and engagement in personal health and wellness matters. She is director of UiO:eColab, advanced eInfrastructure to support innovative research and comprehensive eLearning resources for Complex Interventions and Interdisciplinary Teamwork in Primary care.

Professor Moen was President of the European Federation for Medical Informatics (EFMI) 2014 – 2016 (first female president of the federation). She served as task leader in EU’s eHealth Stakeholder Group topic “Citizen – Health Data” (2016–2019), contributes to WHO-Euro and OECD on digital literacy and creating a digital capable health workforce (2019-) and is on the WHO Digital Health Technical Advisory Group (DHTAG) Roster of Experts. She is a fellow of the American College for Medical Informatics (FACMI, 2015), founding fellow of International Academy for Health Sciences Informatics (FIAHSI, 2017) and she was elected Honorary Fellow of the European Federation for Medical Informatics (EFMI, 2019).

Professor Moen has more than 200 scientific publications the last 10 years, including original papers, books, and book chapters. In addition, she has given keynote addresses, full papers, panels, and workshop presentations at national and international conferences.

Prof. Anne Moen is the Coordinator in Gravitate Health project. Her role is to co-lead the work, encourage and motivate partners, ensuring the project is aligned with the mission and purpose. Being the main interface to IMI is part of her role.